Flea & Tick | Activyl Tick Plus | Revolution vs Frontline from $25.95 / 3pk
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For Dogs

Activyl Tick Plus For Dogs 4 - 11 lbs (75 / 240 mg)
Pack SizeQtyPrice 
4 Pipettes

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs - 4 - 11 lbs - 75 / 240 mg - 4 Pipettes

Activyl Tick Plus For Dogs 12 - 22 lbs (150 / 480 mg)
Pack SizeQtyPrice 
4 Pipettes

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs - 12 - 22 lbs - 150 / 480 mg - 4 Pipettes

(In Stock)
Activyl Tick Plus For Dogs 23 - 44 lbs (300 / 960 mg)
Pack SizeQtyPrice 
4 Pipettes

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs - 23 - 44 lbs - 300 / 960 mg - 4 Pipettes

(In Stock)
Activyl Tick Plus For Dogs 45 - 88 lbs (600 / 1920 mg)
Pack SizeQtyPrice 
4 Pipettes

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs - 45 - 88 lbs - 600 / 1920 mg - 4 Pipettes

(In Stock)
Activyl Tick Plus For Dogs 89 - 132 lbs (900 / 2880 mg)
Pack SizeQtyPrice 
4 Pipettes

Activyl Tick Plus for Dogs - 89 - 132 lbs - 900 / 2880 mg - 4 Pipettes

(In Stock)


Activyl Tick Plus solution is a monthly spot-on flea and tick treatment that contains an innovative new ingredient called indoxacarb to kills fleas, while also containing permethrin to control ticks and reduce the risk of disease. Activyl is fully activated when a flea lands on your pet and is killed using the flea's own enzymes. This brand-new technology is called bioactivation. Activyl Tick Plus is only for dogs and kills ticks, adult fleas, flea eggs and larvae; thereby, breaking the flea's lifecycle.

For: Dogs 8 weeks of age or older


  • New technology for flea control
  • Kills fleas, flea eggs and larvae
  • Kills 4 tick species that may transmit disease
  • Breaks flea's lifecycle
  • Quick-drying and fragrance free
  • Waterproof even after bathing

Activyl works to break the flea's lifecycle by killing not only adult fleas, but also flea eggs and larvae, which reduces the chances of your pet becoming reinfested by fleas. The ingredients are spread through your dog's skin and coat, and when a flea lands on your pet, it takes up the active ingredient of Activyl Tick Plus and causes the enzymes in the flea to change. Activyl Tick Plus then reaches it's full active form and the flea becomes paralyzed and unable to feed. This process is called bioactivation ?? the newest technology in flea control. In addition, Activyl Tick Plus is waterproof, quick-drying, and fragrance free. As a bonus, Activyl Tick Plus also contains permethrin, which provides a broad-spectrum tick protection and kills four major tick species, which reduces the risk of your dog contracting a deadly tick-borne disease.

Do not use Activyl Tick Plus on cats, or allow your cat to lick or groom a dog treated with Activyl Tick Plus. Do not use on dogs or puppies under 8 weeks of age or under 4 lbs. Certain medications may interact with pesticides. If signs of sensitivity occur, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Manufacturer: MSD Animal Health


The recommended minimum dose is 15 mg indoxacarb/kg body weight, and 48 mg/kg permethrin equivalent to 0.1 ml spot-on solution per kg body weight.

Pet Weight (lb) Weight (kg) Volume (ml) Indoxacarb (mg) Permethrin (mg)
Toy Dogs 4.1 - 11 lbs 1.2 - 5.0 KG 0.5 ml 75 mg 240 mg
Small Dogs 11.1 - 22 lbs 5.1 - 10 KG 1.0 ml 150 mg 480 mg
Medium Dogs 22.1 - 44 lbs 10.1 - 20 KG 2.0 ml 300 mg 960 mg
Large Dogs 44.1 - 88 lbs 20.1 - 40 KG 4.0 ml 600 mg 1920 mg
Ex Large Dogs 88.1 - 132 lbs 40.1 - 60 KG 6.0 ml 900 mg 2880 mg

More Information

Brand Name: Activyl Tick Plus

Generic Name: Indoxacarb, Permethrin

Activyl Tick Plus is a monthly flea and tick treatment for dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age or older and over 4 lbs. It combines indoxacarb to kill fleas, flea eggs, and larvae to stop the flea's lifecycle, and permethrin for tick protection. The ingredient indoxacarb is a new innovative way to kill fleas by using the flea's own enzyme to activate Activyl Tick Plus to its full potential.

To apply Activyl for small dogs and cats:
Hold the applicator in an upright position away from your face and snap the tip by bending it and folding it back on itself. Part the hair and place the applicator tip against the skin on the base of the skull. Applying Activyl at the base of the skull will help prevent your pet from licking the product. Squeeze the applicator firmly and apply the entire contents directly to the skin (for smaller dogs). Do not allow Activyl to run off and do not have contact with the treated area until it is completely dry. Reapply Activyl every 30 days.

For Larger Dogs:
Start applying the contents between the shoulder blades working your way down to the tail while applying Activyl in 2-3 spots along the way. Make sure you thoroughly part the hair on each spot so the applicator touches the skin and not just the fur.

What are the side effects of Activyl Tick Plus:
Individual sensitivities while rare, may occur after using any pesticide product. Do not use on cats, since it may be fatal.

What special precautions are there:
Do not use on pregnant or lactating females. Do not use on puppies under 8 weeks of age or under 4 lbs. Do not allow children to apply product. Use the entire contents on each dog and do not split one tube between pets. Weigh your dog to ensure you are applying the right dose formulated for the weight of your pet. Consult your vet before using on debilitated, aged, or medicated pets. Do not use on pets intended for breeding, pregnant or nursing.

If swallowed:
Call a poison control center or a doctor for treatment advice. Have a person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to by a doctor or poison control center. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

If in eyes:
Hold eyes open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing. Call a physician if irritation persists.

If on skin:
Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

How should I store Activyl:
Do not remove tube from pack until ready to use. Store in a cool dry place inaccessible to children and pets. Do not refrigerate and protect from direct sunlight.


We bought a vacation home in San Diego, which has a lot of fleas due to the weather. My dog apparently is deathly allergic to them! (We don't have fleas in Phoenix's dry climate). After she lost most of her fur, I took her to the vet and he gave me 3 months supply of this med. Works like a charm! She has not scratched since. I want to note that my husband also sprayed the yard but that wouldn't prevent her from getting fleas on walks.

We had a horrible infestation of ticks for about 2 months and our little dog doesn't even go outside. This was recommended to me by a person that works at an animal shelter and she raved about. We have been using it for 4 months and our dog is totally perfect now.

I had been using a topical flea product for the past 15 years when it stopped working. I tried a couple of other brands without success. I was so frustrated. I read the reviews about this product and tried it as a last resort. I didn't have much hope but it actually worked! It took a few day but the fleas were gone! I have six cats and we are all very happy. I have just ordered my second box.

I live in a rural area and my dog has a serious allergy to fleas. She spent most of 2012 on medicine because of flea bites, even though we never missed a Frontline application. I used Comfortis for a while, but it didn't stop the ticks and she ended up with Lyme's disease. I started using this in 2013 instead of the Frontline or Comfortis and haven't seen ONE flea this year and only one tick that was already dead. It does leave a residue on the her back, but I can bathe her within two days of application. I really like this product.

We just moved from NJ to Florida and this has worked on my two little dogs just fine. I think people need to use it properly -- take the collar off for a few hours after application and NO BATHS two days before or after

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